A personal and long-awaited goal that has finally become a reality.
Dear readers,
It has been a while since I am teasing you about this big change, we have been working at Livingeneva (more than a year that we started this project!) and now it is finally here (it was longer than the baby LOL).
You see… once upon a time back in 2014, I started Livingeneva with zero expectations and with few knowledge of the blogging, digital world; only with one idea: share my experiences and knowledge with the purpose of helping the people that were coming behind me on being new to the city.
Every day, I would put a lot of effort on posting on Instagram, writing blog posts and also learn about how everything worked; all this while having a full-time corporate job. One day I left my job with the clear idea of making LivinGeneva the best platform in Geneva to find restaurant, places, inspirations, but most importantly a guiding voice when you arrive here, and you do not know anyone. I knew it was not going to be easy, and also that I needed a lot of knowledge, help and investment to build it.
I started my master’s degree at CREA, kicked-off the re-branding process and surrounded myself of the best people I could find! I realized it was not going to be a fast thing, that I needed to be patient and also have the lighthouse very present so I would not get demotivated.
The re-branding took over a year with a lot of investment from my side (time and money) and from everyone that participated on it. I hired the best agency, the best Marketing Specialist I have ever met (Monica Rodriguez) to help me make this work and the best photographers, copyrighters and graphic designers. We did more than 20 deep interviews to readers and followers to know more about how to serve you better and also a lot of research to build the best brand platform.
Even during the pandemic when I was so desperate about finishing this project, I made a call to you! And you helped us reach our goal and raise almost 40K CHF! Not only for this project, but also for other 9 female entrepreneurs in Geneva (more about this here).
And finally, here it is! The new image with the fresh and beautiful new website. Let me tell you, this is just the beginning of something bigger, with all this work we are building the base to create products and services to help and inspire you. I am so proud of the team and myself for building all of this, and so grateful for every single one of you who follows and read this blog.
There are a few new things we have added to the brand like the logo, I love this logo so much! At the beginning I was not super convinced, but when we started working on it I fell in love, it is the signature of Geneva, it is a promise that this platform will always be true to itself and will be first and foremost for the people!
The tagline LIVINGENEVA IS LOVINGENEVA makes me smile!!! Because this blog started specially for that! To fall in love with Geneva, to enjoy every season and every day! To see the glass half full and make the most out of your stay in Geneva, whether by discovering a new place or a new region in Switzerland!

There are many new things you will discover by exploring the website and even on Instagram! I can’t wait for you to explore them!
I would like to thank all of you for your support. Without you none of this would be possible, and I would not be motivated to continue, even if sometimes it has been very hard to find the motivation, I know this platform will help a lot of people to discover, explore and ultimately fall in love with Geneva!
Thank you for everything and thank you for your support!
With love,